Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thoughts From the Michigan Game

- The biggest storyline from this game is Al Nolen's injury.  I have not found any reputable source that gives us a timetable for his return, but I expect it to be several games.  At halftime, when it was announced he wouldn't be returning, I was very worried about winning the game.  However, the Hoff/Mav platoon at PG seemed to work out nicely.  Maverick seemed to rise to the challenge and even on the play he got called for the charge I liked his aggressiveness in going to the basket.  With that being said, I am still more comfortable with Blake playing point and Chip at the 2.

-  After a rough first few minutes for the bigs, they really came around late in the game, especially after Al went out.  It was good to see Ralph among the leading scorers and the rebounding margin 38-13 gophers speaks for itself.

-Rodney finally shot his threes with confidence and he went 2-3.  If he can can be somewhat consistent from three that just makes him that much more dangerous.

-You're going to win alot of games when you shoot 63% from the field.  This had alot to do with our superior size and athleticism translating to easy buckets.

-35 of Michigan's 53 shot attempts were 3 pointers.

1 comment:

  1. Mav played well but I felt the offense was more of a threat when chip brought up the ball and handed it off to hoff near the elbow. Although Michigan knew we were going to do that every time down, it gave chip some confidence and flow to the game and it showed in his attack to the basket. As far as Rodney's 3s go, I think if he even makes one jump shot that is a bonus. We need to play as if he couldn't shoot a basketball to save his draft stock. All in all it was a great weekend in Ann Arbor and being part of the 100 person student section that took over Crisler Arena is something I am proud to say. Go Gophers!
